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Creating A Dual-Space Environment

Once a dream, now a reality: as more businesses move online and work-from-home jobs become increasingly available, many find themselves flipping the switch, skipping the commute and continuing their careers from the comfort of their homes. 

With meetings swiftly transitioning from the boardroom to the home kitchen table, it’s easy to get caught up in the chaos of your work environment and home environment becoming one. But, by taking the time to lay out a simple work-from-home plan, you’ll find it’s possible to create separation and live harmoniously in a dual-space environment.

So, where do you begin? Establishing a dedicated workspace in your home. Ideally, you’d want to have a room with enough space to fit a full desk setup, plenty of natural lighting and a door that can be shut for privacy. However, as long as the space has adequate room for you to set-up your necessary work equipment at a good viewing height (neck pain and bad posture are a no-go for us), you should be set. When choosing your space, aim to avoid household “hot spots” (spots with higher activity and noise levels) as well as spaces associated with leisure time like your bedroom–this will help minimize distractions and help you stay in an “on the clock” mindset. 

You know what else will help keep you in the right mindset? Setting the tone. When having a dual space environment, it’s important to remember it’s exactly that: an environment with two co-existing spaces. By treating each space as its own entity, your brain will learn to quickly distinguish work mode from home mode. To start setting the work-from-home tone, simply act as though you’re still going into the office. Set your alarm, start the coffee machine and get dressed in your work attire (unless you have a formal meeting that requires a suit, business casual should work just fine). While you know you’re staying home, your brain will be tricked into turning on office mode and getting you into a professional, productive mindset. 

Now, before you dive straight in, there’s one more essential piece to creating the ideal dual-space environment. In order to make the necessary mindset shifts throughout the day, you’ll need to structure your day and set boundaries. If you typically work a Monday through Friday 9-5 schedule, stick with working those set hours at home. Just like you would at the office, start your day by jotting down your to-do list and scheduling time blocks for tasks. Be sure to pencil in a couple 15-minute work breaks as well as a lunch to take a breather, get some fresh air and reset your mind. While it may seem tempting to throw in a load of laundry to get it out of the way while you’re working, resist the urge. The closer you are to your “normal” work routine, the easier it’ll be to to draw the lines between work and home life.

Looking to upgrade your home & have the office of your dreams? 

With remote jobs here to stay, it’s important to have a work space where you can take Zoom meetings, calls, etc. So, whether that means renovating your current space OR finding a new space to live in altogether, our team would love to help you! To get the process started & help you reach your home goals, all we need are a few details from you on our no-obligation form on the right or simply give us a ring at (407) 330-7566.

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