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The Benefits Of Working Remote

With many of us still living the remote work- from- home life, it’s easy to get set in our own ways and forget all the perks that come with working remotely. While some people still miss the office setting, most people prefer the hybrid lifestyle. Did you know that the second week of October is National Work From Home Week? To celebrate this week, let’s dive into the perks of working from home!

Savings: With many companies still having a dress code requirement in their HR policies, the money spent on work outfits can add up pretty quickly. Luckily, when working from home, you only need to be business professional from the waist up during zoom calls. Instead of having to spend on new work clothes or dry cleaning frequently, you can instead throw on a pair of PJ pants and put down your wallet. That’s a nice portion to add to your savings account right there…but it gets better!๐Ÿค‘

There are other factors as well that will save you money annually. According to Flexjobs, the annual amount of estimated savings could be as much as $ 4,000 a year. That’s a nice chunk of change to have around. Let’s take a moment to reflect back on life when you were in the office: how often did you go out to eat and how often did you purchase an overly priced cup(s) of coffee? Likely way more than you realizeโ€”those little things really add up.

Moving onto the next factor that not only saves you money but also TIME. Take a moment to think about all the gas spent commuting to and from the office every day. Now, think about the gas you save each week by not having to go into the office. In a recent survey done by Airtasker, it was found that the average worker saves $94.23 on gas per week. Per month, it is averaged to about $476.92 in savings and comes to an estimated annual savings of $4,523.04. As you can see by the numbers, those gas savings rack up quickly! Not only that, but considering the average worker saves 40 minutes daily working remotely rather than commuting (per Flexjobs), that comes to a lot of time saved as well. If you ask us, thatโ€™s money and time that could be best used for achieving your goals, like potentially buying the house of your dream which leads us into our next benefit…Flexibility!

Flexibility: When it comes to remote work, you typically have the flexibility to live where you wantโ€”unless you have a hybrid job (mix of in office and remote work). With all your savings from not commuting to the office and spending money on specialty coffees and eating out, the savings can add up and be put towards a down payment! This is definitely a perk of remote work life because you have the ability to pick any location youโ€™d like to work from. Thought about moving, but wasnโ€™t sure if your job would be offered in that area? Say no more because with the remote job it makes moving to that area easierโ€ฆ youโ€™ll be bringing your work with you no matter where you are!

Another perk about the flexibility of remote working is not having to schedule travel plans or office visits. You can easily work around zoom calls and still have a work-life balance.ย 

Speaking of a balanced lifestyle, did you know that remote workers are likely to spend 25 more minutes exercising a week rather than people who work in the office (per an Airtasker survey)?! This is a part of that work life balance by being able to have more time for the things you love/ need. Think about it: what have you had more time to do since taking on the remote work style?

Productivity: As far as productivity goes, it’s been found that 77% of remote workers believe they are more productive working from home than working in the traditional office setting (COSO Cloud). A big reason for why this could be is because many workers do feel as though there’s less distractions when remoteโ€” in an office, you often have chit chat and constant movement by employees compared to when you’re remote and you can cut out the noise. Adding on, remote workers only take an average of 22 minutes a day of mini breaks to help refresh their brainโ€”this number is substantially higher for in-office workers. This can help improve employees’ mental health as well.

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